Category Archives: Roland Sips

Aus Büchern wird Abenteuer

The charity stop motion video for Miep Jukkema and Roland Sips. The little fellow was supposed to be an adventurous dragon-  turned out to be more of a… penguin (at most).  So I’m not that satisfied with the result. But since it took a couple of hours of cutting letters and shooting, I thought I might as well make the best out of it (and because a minute of video without sound can be fairly long).

What I learned: 1. Plan ahead! (or: first try if a couple of letters are enough to form a convincing dragon) 2. Make a storyboard! (I usually try out stuff until it comes together… and if it was a good day and I actually got to make a storyboard… I keep altering it)

Muybridge’s Heritage

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A quartet for illustration classes. My idea was to take frames from slow motion videos and make each card family a sequence of those. Dissembling high speed videos of our time eventually took me back to all beginnings of video. That is how Muybridge became essential part of my graphic solution.

Sergeant Grant

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My toy soldier idea: The story of Sergeant Grant.

The text with it:

This is Sergeant Grant.

Sergeant Grant has a wife.

And two kids.

Tom likes to play soccer with his Dad.

Lucy likes to play hide and seek with her Dad.

Together they live in a house.

With Benny. Their Golden Retriever.

One day, Sergeant Grant went to work.

Sergeant Grant

I decided to make a little book with the toy soldier Roland Sips gave us. It’s not finished yet, but the pages are ready and I only have to bind them. I only put the first and the last two pages on here, the rest is gonna follow when it’s finished. My idea for the casing is a rusty metal box or cover and back.